Training will be held from 5:30 p.m to
8:30 p.m. on Monday evenings (one Saturday workshop is included) at the
Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, Noblesville.
Participants will be exposed to a wide range of subjects including understanding
soil and basics of plant science, diagnosis of plant problems, using pesticides
safely, and growing a healthy vegetable, flower, landscape, and/or fruit
The Purdue Master Gardener Program is
a volunteer training program that provides a learning framework for
participants to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of horticultural
subjects. In turn, participants
represent Purdue University as volunteers, sharing knowledge while providing
leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their
Materials and expenses for the series of
classes cost $150.00 per participant. This expense fee covers such items as reference
notebooks, mailings, and name badges.
These materials all become part of the participants personal
While the class will be encouraged to
create new educational outreach programs, there are already plenty of
opportunities for which volunteers are needed.
Some of these projects include helping with the annual plant sale, staffing
information booths at gardening events, teaching public education classes,
speaking to local clubs and organizations, and hands-on demonstration
The Purdue Master Gardener Program is
an educational outreach of the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service. If you'd like an application or have
questions about the Purdue Master Gardener Program, please contact Purdue
Extension Hamilton County at (317) 776-0854. For more information about Purdue Extension in
Hamilton County, visit www.extension.purdue.edu/hamilton.
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