Wednesday April 13th, I look forward to having
Sharon Pattee from Indiana State Department of Health, Food Protection
Program discussing 'home-based vendor' exemption in Indiana Law (HEA 1309).
will discuss if you can operate as a Home-Based Vendor or if you need to use a
Commercial Kitchen. She will also talk about certifications that may be
April 20th, the final program with include food preparation
tips and keeping food safe at point of sale. Christina Ferroli, Marion
County Extension Educator will discuss some of the ‘bad
bugs’ to consider while dealing with fruits and vegetables and how to prepare
some products in your kitchen safely.
you would like to join us on April 13th and/or April 20th
for these educational programs, please respond to this email to register.
The programs are scheduled from 10:00am to 12noon and will be located in the
Annex at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds in Noblesville. The cost for
each program is $5.00 at the door. For more information contact Diane
Turner, Extension Educator Hamilton at 317-776-0854.
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