The African violet, known botanically as Saintpaulia, is
one of the most popular flowering houseplants. African
violets are easy to grow for the beginning gardener, yet
offer a wide range of cultivars to satisfy the serious
grower. African violets adapt well to typical growing
conditions found in the home. Because of their small
stature, they also adapt well to limited space gardens
such as those in apartments with just a few windowsills.
Many cultivars of African violets are available, ranging
from miniatures (plants 6 inches or less in diameter) to
large (over 16 inches in diameter). Flowers come in blue,
purple, lavender, pink, red, and white as well as bicolored
and multi-colored forms. Flower shapes also
vary from single, star-shaped blooms to double, semidouble,
fringed, and ruffled. Even the leaves come in
different types, including ruffled, scalloped, quilted, and
I often have questions about common problems regarding growing African violets. Take a look at this comprehensive list for answers to some of the problems associated with African violet culture:
1) Spotted leaves - this occurs if you allow cool water
to contact the leaves. Use only room temperature water.
2) Small plants with pale yellow leaves - often caused by
too much light and inadequate fertilization.
3) Leaves curled downward - may be a result of too low
temperatures (below 60 degrees).
4) Long leaf stalks and a few or small blooms - often
results when plants don't get enough light.
5) Buds dry up - this might happen if there is not enough
moisture in the air or soil and if temperatures are too high.
6) Plants wilt quickly and crown rots - likely they are
getting watered too frequently and/or the drainage may be poor (due to potting
mix or lack of container holes) or the plants were set too deep into the soil.
7) Leaf stalks rot where they rub against pot edge - high
salt concentrations on the sides of the pot and near the soil surface damage
the leaf stalks allowing the Botrytis disease organism to enter. You can
protect the stalks by putting a strip of aluminum foil, paraffin, or a
cardboard cover around the rim of the container.
8) No flowers - may be due to one or more of the
following: temperature too low, soil is overfertilized, too much light or too
much shade, too much or not enough water, or air contains stove gas.
Excerpts taken from K-State Horticulture Newsletter by Ward
Upham and the Purdue African Violet Care publication written by B. Rosie Lerner and Michael N. Dana